"I'm a Plumber, of Course I..." TikTok Trend Showcases Tradesman Humor

Plumbers are taking to TikTok to showcase their unique perspective on the profession with the trending format "I'm a plumber, of course I..." These short videos highlight the often humorous and sometimes surprising aspects of their daily work.

From lighthearted quips like "I'm a plumber, of course my work day is my workout" to tongue-in-cheek boasts such as "I'm a plumber, of course I make more than your honor student," these videos offer a glimpse into the life and challenges faced by plumbers on a daily basis.

@dom.domination Im a plumber of course… #ofcourse #plumber #plumbing #milwaukeetools #coffee #leominsterma #bluecollar #tradesman #blackriflecoffee #piping #heating #gas #dominationplumbing ♬ original sound - Dominic


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